The colors of Xochimilco

In a “barrio” in the Federal District of Mexico City, I saw the overwhelming colors of Xochimilco. In a small harbor off a Main Street, wooden boats slightly wider than gondolas packed together in their vibrant glory. With the mid-day sun offering radiating sunlight, we hopped from the beginning of the line to the end, holding the hand of workers as we crossed from one boat edge to the other. Certainly, no one ever falls in — right?

We sat in painted wicker chairs under the canopy as our boat pushed away from the pack. Our “captain” directed us up the canal using only a long stick and his upper body strength. He began to sweep water from the deck, and told us our boat had a hole and was taking on water. “Um, ok,” is all I could think to say.

On Xochilmilco, there is a world of commerce like none I’ve ever seen. If you are hungry, you pull beside a similar boat and order a blue corn quesadilla from the woman who sits in middle of her boat-size kitchen. If you want a beer or fresh fruit or a bad of pork skins, there is a paddling vendor for that. We even enjoy a live mariachi who pulled their boat next to ours.

After lunch, we sat back, enjoyed the music, the sun and life along the river.

This woman was working on her gardren, which is surrounded by a gate of old bed springs. I rather like it.


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2 Responses to The colors of Xochimilco

  1. WOW! Awesome post….feel like I just took a trip to Mejico myself! Beautiful photos as usual! Love the kids faces, so adorable…love the bird in the water, love the Disneyland looking boats, love how you always manage to capture the true essence of whatever you’re shooting…you rock sister love.

  2. investment says:

    Everyone looks so cheerful. 🙂

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